
1 lb dried pasta of your choice

1-2 lbs of raw shrimp, shelled and de-veined OR chicken breast cut into bite sized chunks

3-4 tbsp. of good quality pesto

3-4 tbsp. Olive Lucy Traditional EVOO (a medium to robust variety like Koroneiki, Oro Bailen Picual, or Melgarejo Frantoio will work well)

¼ cup lemon juice OR Olive Lucy Sicilian Lemon White Balsamic

Splash of white wine (optional)

Salt and pepper to taste

Grated Parmesan cheese for serving

(Amounts are all approximate, adjust to taste and make it your own!)



Prepare pasta to package directions, cover and set aside. Combine and heat oil and pesto in a large pan, and gradually add the lemon juice/vinegar and white wine. Add shrimp to hot pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook shrimp thoroughly and reduce heat. Add pasta to the shrimp and sauce and toss to coat. Serve topped with Parmesan cheese.